Other positions held by members of the Oversight and Complaints Handling Departments

The Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services consists of Herman Bolhaar, Harm Trip, Judith Lichtenberg, and Addie Stehouwer. In addition to their work for the CTIVD, these committee members also hold various other positions.

Other positions held by Herman Bolhaar

  • Independent consultant (salaried).

Other positions held by Harm Trip

  • No other positions.

Other positions held by Judith Lichtenberg

  • Until September 1, 2023, Judith was a board member of the Lawyers for Lawyers Foundation (unsalaried).
    Since that date she has been a special advisor to this board. (unsalaried)

Other positions held by Addie Stehouwer

Addie Stehouwer was the municipal ombudsman for The Hague and Leidschendam-Voorburg (salaried) until June 1, 2024.

In addition, she holds the following positions:

  • Chairman of the complaints commitee of the Legal Desk (salaried).
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Mediators Association (unsalaried)
  • Independent chairman of the Amsterdam Citizens' Councel expert committe from May to July 2024 (unsalaried).

Other positions held by Erik Kok

  • No other positions.

Other positions held by Peter Muijen

  • Board of Directors Daelzicht
  • Deputy Councillor Court of Appeal Den Bosch