CTIVD members and staff
The Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD) consists of four members. One of the members of the CTIVD is also Chair of the Complaints Handling Department. The other members of the CTIVD are members of the Oversight Department. The Chair of the CTIVD also acts as Chair of the Oversight Department.
The Complaints Handling Department has three members in addition to the chair. These members are not a part of the CTIVD. The members of the CTIVD and the members of the Complaints Handling Department are appointed by Royal Decree, signed by the King and the Ministers involved.
Oversight Department
The Oversight Department consists of:
- Mr. Hugo Hillenaar (Chairman)

- K.J.G (Karel) van Oosterom (member)

- J.I.A. (Judith) Lichtenberg (member)
Complaints Handling Department
The Complaints Handling Department consists of:
- A. (Addie) Stehouwer (chair)

- Mr. P.J.D.J. (Peter) Muijen (member)

- Dr. E. (Erik) Kok (member)

Other positions of the members
In addition to their work for the CTIVD, the members of the CTIVD and members of the Complaints Handling Department hold other positions.
The CTIVD's secretary is:
- Mr. drs. K.C. (Kristel) Koese
Besides its committee members, the CTIVD has 18 staff members, led by a secretary. They often have a legal background. However, given the nature of the CTIVD's work, they also come from other fields of expertise, among them technical.