All topics
Current investigations
Data exchange and cooperation
- Review report 09a on the official messages issued by the AIVD between January 2004 and October 2005
- Review report 09b on the official messages issued by the MIVD between January 2004 and January 2006
- Review report 22a on the cooperation between the AIVD and foreign intelligence and security services
- Review report 29 on the official messages issued by the AIVD between October 2005 and May 2010
- Review report 38 on data processing by the AIVD and the MIVD in the area of telecommunication
- Review report 48 on the implementation of cooperation criteria by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 49 on the exchange of unevaluated data by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 50 on contributions by the MIVD to targeting
- Review report 56 on the exchange of personal data on (alleged) jihadists by the AIVD
- Review report 60 on the AIVD and MIVD weighting notes for the international cooperation with the Counter Terrorism Group and sigint partners
Functioning of the ISS Act 2017
- CTIVD no. 59, Progress Report on the functioning of the ISS Act 2017
- CTIVD no. 62, Progress Report II on the functioning of the ISS Act 2017
Operations and investigations by AIVD and MIVD
- Review report 05a on the MIVD investigation into the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery
- Review report 05b on the AIVD investigation into the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery
- Review report 06 on the AIVD investigation into radical animal rights activism and left-wing extremism
- Review report 26 on the implementation by the AIVD of the foreign intelligence task
- Review report 43 in response to the crash of flight MH17
- Review report 44 on two sigint operations by the MIVD
- Review report 74 on the use of automated OSINT by the AIVD and MIVD (2022)
Other topics
Recent investgations
- Review report 60 on the AIVD and MIVD weighting notes for the international cooperation with the Counter Terrorism Group and sigint partners
- Review report 63 on the application of filters in investigation-related interception by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 64 on the use of the investigatory power of selection by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 70 on bulk data sets collected using the hacking power and their further processing by the AIVD and the MIVD (2020)
- Review report 71 on the collection and further processing of airline passenger data by the AIVD and the MIVD (2020)
- Review report 74 on the use of automated OSINT by the AIVD and MIVD (2022)
Secrecy/ transparency
- Review report 24 on the performance by the AIVD of the obligation to notify
- Review report 33 on the classification of state secrets by the AIVD
Special powers
- Review report 08a on the deployment by the MIVD of informers and agents, more specifically abroad
- Review report 08b on the deployment by the AIVD of informers and agents, more specifically abroad
- Review report 19 on the application by the AIVD of Section 25 of the ISS Act 2002 and Section 27 of the ISS Act 2002
- Review report 28 on the use of sigint by the MIVD
- Review report 31 on the use by the AIVD of the interception power and the power to select sigint
- Review report 39 on the lawfulness of investigations on social media by the AIVD
- Review report 42 on the application of bio-forensic investigatory methods by the AIVD
- Review report 53 on the use of the investigatory power to hack by the AIVD and the MIVD in 2015
- Review report 63 on the application of filters in investigation-related interception by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 64 on the use of the investigatory power of selection by the AIVD and the MIVD
- Review report 70 on bulk data sets collected using the hacking power and their further processing by the AIVD and the MIVD (2020)